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How to say in 10 Languages: Months

There are twelve months in a year. January, February, March. April, May, June. July, August, September. October, November, December. Arabic: هناك اثني عشر شهرا في السنة. يناير فبراير مارس. …

How to say in 10 Languages: Days of the week

Days, week.  Many people work everyday. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. Weekends are fun.  Saturday and Sunday we rest. Arabic: أيام ، أسبوع. كثير من الناس يعملون كل يوم. ا…

The Culture of Mexico

Culture of Mexico Culture of Mexico - Wikipedia Mexican Culture: Customs & Traditions Culture of Mexico - history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs, family Me…

Tips on learning Spanish fast

It could be true that Spanish is one of the easiest languages to learn, due to its commonality with Romantic languages such as French and Italian. But why are many online students strugglin…

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